- The Voices of Arctic Currents
October 31, UA Museum of the North - Setting the stage inside the smallest of soundbooths
May 9, UA Museum of the North - Guides, Trailheads, and the Upcoming Journey
May 5, UA Museum of the North
- Fluid – Organic – Physical
November 22, UA Museum of the North - Krill, kittens, and many hats
October 29, UA Museum of the North - Shell’s uninhabited island has a story
January 7, The Mudflats
- Fee Fi Fo: Tackling the Student Fees Giant
April 3, UAF Sun Star
“When Mathis teaches children, he sets them up with a beaker of seawater and instructs them to blow into it using straws. Carbon dioxide from the mouths of 40 children can give seawater the acidity of lemon juice.”
— Cold Ocean Chemistry: UAF tackles mystery of Alaska’s oceans
- Havoc in The Herd: Extended Coverage
October 22, UAF Sun Star - Animal activists assail UAF over the death of a dozen muskox
October 19, UAF Sun Star - Eye of the storm: Scientists look for source of Alaska potato blight
October 4, UAF Sun Star - Life on the Edge: Travel writer pushes limits in exploration and storytelling
September 13, UAF Sun Star - Veggie sales: Student-run garden provides weekly “Nanook Grown” harvest
September 7, UAF Sun Star - It takes a village: Students design live-in experiment
August 30, UAF Sun Star - Tundra fires unlock implications of a fire-driven Arctic
August 30, UAF Sun Star - Denali Park Road Lottery goes online-only
June 8, UAF Sun Star - Cold Ocean Chemistry: Scientists unravel state of ocean ecosystem
June 3, UAF Sun Star - Cold Ocean Chemistry: UAF tackles mystery of Alaska’s oceans
June 1, UAF Sun Star - Cold Ocean Chemistry: Ocean Acidification turns Alaska’s seas into science lab
May 30, UAF Sun Star - “Thaw of the Dead” breaks up quiet holiday weekend
May 30, UAF Sun Star - Havoc in the herd: Administration responds to muskoxen deaths
May 3, UAF Sun Star - Social media background checks jumble personal with professional
April 7, UAF Sun Star - Apocoalypse now: Subterranean students flee from radiation threat
March 29, UAF Sun Star - The sea butterfly effect: distorted oceans could shatter ecosystems
March 22, UAF Sun Star - Toddler’s skeleton changes knowledge of the past
March 1, UAF Sun Star - Beer on a canvas: Homebrew transforms libations into art
February 15, UAF Sun Star - Anthropologist talks ‘Rotten Renaissance’
February 15, UAF Sun Star - Movie review: ‘Catfish’ nips at trust in the age of Facebook
February 1, UAF Sun Star - From rabbits to humans: the evolution of the UAF psychology department
December 14, UAF Sun Star
- Muskox Mystery: Seven Muskoxen Dead
November 16, UAF Sun Star - A safety net for animals
November 16, UAF Sun Star - The thrill of apocalyptic education
October 27, UAF Sun Star - UAF Researchers Tailor Medication to Alaska Natives
October 18, UAF Sun Star - UAF to Launch Satellite Into Final Frontier
October 2, UAF Sun Star - One tree, lots of ideas
September 17, UAF Sun Star - Research Fair Provides Undergrads With Grant Opportunities
September 17, UAF Sun Star - Memorial tree planting honors two forestry professionals
July 2, UAF Sun Star - Alaska Book Festival a showcase for local authors
June 28, UAF Sun Star - Pot sale benefits art department students
June 11, UAF Sun Star - New museum exhibit highlights climate change
May 31, UAF Sun Star - Sustainability activists hold panel for Earth Day
May 4, UAF Sun Star - UAF team readies ROV to ‘take a dive’ in Hawaii
April 19, UAF Sun Star - Archaeologists discover ancient Kuskokwim home
April 19, UAF Sun Star - It’s official: Yucatan asteroid killed the dinosaurs
April 5, UAF Sun Star - Winter shorts fly open
March 23, UAF Sun Star - Arctic seafloor methane could hasten global warming
March 17, UAF Sun Star - Professor of the Week: Alla Grikurova
March 17, UAF Sun Star - UAF hosts 37th annual Festival of Native Arts
March 17, UAF Sun Star - Anthropologist blends linguistic studies with wearable art
March 15, UAF Sun Star - Fifteen minutes of fame for budding playwrights
March 3, UAF Sun Star - Professor of the Week: Derek Sikes
February 24, UAF Sun Star - Bugs in the basement
February 16, UAF Sun Star - UAF geobotanist maps new trails in climate change research
February 2, UAF Sun Star
Personal Projects
“Juneau uses every available square inch to surprise visitors. Not only do mountains leap from the water, but they leap 4,000 feet over a dizzying short distance. The tide seeps in until wetlands become open water. Wee beasties in the ocean meet with shellfish and contaminate them with an inconspicuous, but not inconsequential, toxin.
That last point isn’t convenient for visitors to Juneau. After all, juxtaposition can be deadly, too.”
— Boreal Bites, Alaskans appreciate algal alliances from afar
- Boreal Bites 2011-2014, an Alaska naturalist blog with a primarily place-based focus from my bases in Fairbanks and Juneau.